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Every chef will come to a stage in their careers where they can start visualizing their dream restaurant. Not only envision what the shop looks like, but you come to a place in your mind where you don’t have to think to know what’s going to be on this menu, or what the napkins look like, or what the energy in the kitchen feels like at 10am, 12pm, 5pm 8pm, 9:45pm, 1:00am and so on. The playlist, the bathroom lamps, the tone of the server’s service. You build all these visions over years and years of imagining and planning to the point where it has already operated for years in your mind’s memories.

Dangereux has been an idea that was seeded in the city of New York since the early 2010’s where White Hospitality CEO and Executive Chef James Kim was in the mid point of his chef career. From the almost magical experience of walking through the doors Balthazar on 80 Spring Street and being instantly transported to a brasserie in Paris, to the swift and surgical service that is somehow also undeniably casual and carefree in Carlo Mirachi’s.

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